DX Cluster | Adobe Reader
Pescara | Other
ARI Intern. | Sezioni | CQ WW | WPX | ARRL | PACC | UBA | REF | SP DX | Altri
DXCC | WAS | --- | --- | --- | ---
IOTA | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---

USA CA Updates: download

Your call

Ver 5.3 (May 2022)
- All maps ready
- New Item in Show menu: Summary, where you can control worked, confirmed (by QSL, eQSL) counties
- Fixed minor bugs
Ver 5.2 (Feb. 2022)
- Review of Visual County: added Enlarge State (enabled when Zoom is Fit to Screen) and Find County (enabled when no Zoom is on)
- Added Counties Flags images, if existing
- Fixed minor bugs
Ver 5.1 (Jan. 2021)
- fixed a bug that didn't allow correct filter by state in the 'Modify/ Pass to confirmed' window
- Revision of ADIF Import: bug fixed.
- Added field 'PQSL' to county database to distinguish confirmations by paper QSL
- Modified eQSL login, because of introduction of 5th generation web page in eQSL site. You can also select 4Th generation in your eQSL profile.
- Added 3 buttons in ADIF importations window to show new Confirmed QSOS, new Worked QSOs and Imoortation errors. Each button becomes enabled at the end of importation only if there are corresponding items.
- Added submenu Backup/Restore QSOs by LOTW in Utility--> LOTW Confirmation valid. For explanation, look at new CTYhelp.
- New Help File
Ver 4.8 (Jun 2020)
- Autoupdate of the score and visual maps (by state) when adding or deleting a qso
- Download from eQSL site the list of eQSL users Authenticity Guaranteed, to control if a QSO confirmed by eQSL is valid
- Update of the County database
- Again revision of ADIF importation 1)Import from LOTW when LOTW QSOs will be valid 2) control for Indepent Cities
- A new button Edit QSO has been placed on the left
- Changes in mouse click on the grids in Add County window: 1) the left-click to select a county has been substituded by a double-click 2) the right-click is equivalent to the button Edit QSO 3) left-click works when the state maps are open and updates the county position.
- The two state map are now independent
- ADIF exportation
- Review of some maps
- Directory of backup can be now selected by a savedialog: the default proposed in the /BACKUP
- Zoom image in Visual County
- Due to changes in the US publicRecords website, the function has been restored using another service.
Ver 4.7 (Mar 2020)
- Added Download and print eQSL in Menu->Report (fill first field eQSL Userid and password in personal information) - Added Menu Settings for Printers and eQSL size - Revision of Find infos about Calls on eQSL - Visual County in Menu Utility - Revision of ADIF importation Ver 4.6 (Mar 2020)
- Added Download and print eQSL
- Added Menu Settings for Printers and eQSL size
- Revision of Find infos about Calls on eQSL
- Visual County in Menu Utility
- Revision of ADIF importation (3.1.0)
Ver 4.5 (Jan 2020)
- Added band 60m
- Added mode PSK250
- Revision of ADIF importation
Ver 4.4 (Oct. 2019)
- Added modes FT4, SSTV and DIGI (for any other digital mode)
- Revision of ADIF importation
- Minor bugs corrected
Ver 4.3
- Search for counties by call/ZIP has been restored
- Added Mode JS8
Ver 4.2

- Added a button in 'Claim County' window to find infos about Calls on eQSL: control of Authenticity Guarantee state and type of member (Regular, Bronze etc)
Ver 4.1
- Corrected a bug in RST mode FT8 (tnx Luigi) Ver 4.0
- Added modes JT9 and FT8 Ver 3.7 (Mar. 2017)
- Localization for Italian, English, Franch, Spanish
- Convert Alaska Counties into Judicial Districts during    ADIF import
- New Import ADIF
- Added menu Search County in Utility and buttons in Claim    County
- Version updates via WEB
- Buttons Find Next Confirmed and Worked in Menu    Utility->Modify
- New Help file

Ver 3.3 (Jan. 2016)
- New Import ADIF
- Added menu Search County in Utility and buttons in Claim County near city box (Internet required)
- Version updates via WEB
- New File Help

Ver 3.2 (Nov.2015)
- Added confirmation by LOTW (actually not valid for the diplome): in utility and Import ADIF
- Changed Folder for Maps
- In Claim County, you can select the county by clicking on the grid
- Added possibility to modity also type of confirmation (Paper QSL, eQSL, LOTW, if active) in Menu Modify / pass to confirmed
- Corrected minor bugs

Ver 3.1 (Oct 2014)
- Print an MRC
- Change call saving data in the same county
- Corrected minor bugs